Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Everyday the Same Dream - Video Game Analysis

"Everyday the Same Dream" is a free online game to play. It discusses the idea of being a cog in the machine, and how boring life can be, but also how changing it can hurt. There are spoilers, so I recommend playing the game, and this game takes on dark topics, like suicide, so don't play if that bothers you.

You begin the game by waking up. You do what any normal person would do - put on a suit, talk to your wife, and go to work. While in the elevator, however, you meet a woman who tells you "5 more steps, and you will be a new person". You ignore this and go about your day as normal, going to work, where the stocks for your company are going up, and returning home.

You can keep repeating this cycle, or you can mix it up. You can go to work without clothes, spend the day with a homeless man rather than go to work, pet a cow, catch a leaf, or kill yourself. Each day, the stocks at your job continue to fall, and the old woman in the elevator tells you that you have less and less steps to take until you become a new person.

Once you have completed every step, every person disappears: your wife, your boss, the old woman, your coworkers, everyone. You have no options except to change, go to work, and keep walking until you get to the roof again. Then you see another person - yourself, on the railing, jumping. Then, the game just starts over.

I really don't have much to say on this but what is obvious: people are no longer individuals in our society. Everyone but those special to us are just other people, and we don't care about them.

Our society needs to learn to pay more attention to each other, so that they don't damage themselves in the process.

Finally, some important questions to go along with the game: who is the old woman, and how did she know how and when the man would become a new person? Why does the homeless man disappear? Is everything really just a dream? Tell me what you think in the comments.

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